Art Assemblies in Cyprus
VI International competition of musicians in Cyprus
Russia (Moscow) - Cyprus (Limassol)
The competition is held in a remote format
December 1-12, 2020
Applications are accepted from August 1 to November 30, 2020.
1-10 December viewing of performances from video recordings by members of the jury.
On December 11-12, announcement of the results by posting information with estimates on the official page of the competition on the Internet.
The laureates of the competition receive an invitation from the Organizing Committee to participate in the Gala Concert in Cyprus, in Limassol, in the summer of 2021 and to participate in International forums, concerts, conferences in different cities of Russia and abroad.
Anyone from different regions of Russia and other countries can take part in the competition.
VI International Music Competition in Cyprus includes the following sections:
- Performing skills (academic, folk, pop-jazz)
- Musicology
- Composition and conducting
- The art of Аccompanist
- Musical and pedagogical skills
Competition regulations
I. Performing skills
It is carried out in two profiles:
- Professionals
- Semi-professionals
The participants of the two profiles are auditioned and evaluated by the jury separately, taking into account their professional status.
- Piano solo
- Piano ensemble
- Academic vocals solo
- Vocal ensemble
- Academic choir
- Orchestral instruments solo (strings)
- Orchestral instruments solo (winds)
- Chamber instrumental ensemble
- Classical guitar solo
- Ensemble of guitarists
Age categories:
1 category: up to 7 years old;
2 category: 7-9;
3 category: 10-12;
4 category: 13-15;
5 category: 16-18;
6 category: 19-25;
7 category: 26-35;
8 category: over 36.
- Folk vocals
- Folk vocal ensemble
- Folk choir
- Solo folk instruments:
- domra
- balalaika
- button accordion
- accordion
- ukulele
- national instrument of your country
- Ensemble of folk instruments
- Folk vocal and instrumental ensemble
Age categories:
1 category: up to 7 years old;
2 category: 7-9;
3 category: 10-12;
4 category: 13-15;
5 category: 16-18;
6 category: 19-25;
7 category: 26-35;
8 category: over 36.
- Pop vocals
- Jazz vocals
- Rap performance
- Pop-jazz ensemble:
- vocal
- instrumental
- vocal and instrumental
- gospel
- Solo pop-jazz instruments:
- jazz piano
- synthesizer
- electric guitar
- wind instruments
- percussion instruments
- ukulele
- theremin
- Clip maker art (music video)
Age categories:
1 category: up to 7 years old;
2 category: 7-9;
3 category: 10-12;
4 category: 13-15;
5 category: 16-18;
6 category: 19-25;
7 category: 26-35;
8 category: over 36.
Software Requirements
The competition is held in a distance format in one round.
The program of performances in all directions, nominations and age groups is free, no more than 10 minutes. To participate in the competition, a video file (filming of the performance program), or an active link to an Internet resource, is sent by e-mail along with an application by e-mail:
Until November 30, 2020.
Performance of the program in solo and ensemble nominations that require accompaniment, possibly accompanied by a piano, or other instrument, ensemble, with a minus phonogram, or a`cappella.
The nomination "Art of a Clip-Maker (Music Video)" should be an original creative product, in which the idea, compositional structure and musical direction will be traced. Music video can be of any direction. To participate in the competition, a video file, or an active link to an Internet resource, is sent by e-mail along with the application. The playing time of the clip is no more than 10 minutes.
II. Musicology
- Scientific work
- Music journalism
- Lecturer-musicologist
Age categories:
5 category: 16-18;
6 category: 19-25;
7 category: 26-35;
8 category: over 36.
Requirements for work
Nomination "Scientific work"
Previously unpublished scientific articles on any topic related to musical art and music education are allowed to participate in the competition. When summarizing the results, the degree of independence of the text, its relevance and scientific novelty, meaningfulness and logic of the presentation of the material are taken into account. Articles co-authored with the teacher are allowed. The text of the scientific article is sent by e-mail together with the submission of documents for participation in the competition. The volume of the text is not more than 20,000 characters. Font: Times New Roman, 14 point size in the main text and in the heading, 12 point size in notes. References at least 5 sources.
Nomination "Music Journalism"
Works performed in different genres are allowed to participate in the competition: music-critical problem article, review, interview, reportage, essay, note, abstract, creative portrait, etc. The content and topics of the works must be related to musical art, including the field of education. The text of the article is sent by e-mail together with the submission of documents for participation in the competition. The volume of the text is not more than 15,000 characters. Font: Times New Roman, 14 point size in the main text and in the heading, 12 point size in notes.
Nomination "Lecturer-musicologist"
The program of the participant's performance should be an introduction to the concert or a fragment of a lecture-concert.
The video file of the speech, or an active link to the Internet resource, is sent by e-mail along with the application. The duration of the speech (including voiced illustrations) is no more than 15 minutes.
All text and video files are sent by November 30, 2020 together with the application and documents for participation in the competition.
III. Composition and conducting
- Composition
- Composer-arranger
- Composer-performer
- Orchestra conductor (age groups 5-8)
- Conductor of the choir (age groups 5-8)
Age categories:
1 category: up to 7 years old;
2 category: 7-9;
3 category: 10-12;
4 category: 13-15;
5 category: 16-18;
6 category: 19-25;
7 category: 26-35;
8 category: over 36
Software Requirements
In the nominations "Composition", "Composer-performer", "Composer-arranger", one or more works of his own composition, or an arrangement of any genre, possibly an audio recording, or video recording, or an active link to an Internet resource (no more minutes). Together with the recording, notes of the compositions are sent, preferably in pdf format.
In the nominations "Orchestra Conductor" and "Choir Conductor" 5-8 age groups participate. The program of the performance is free, no more than 10 minutes. It is possible to record a performance with a choir, orchestra, or an accompanist (accompanists, in the case of performance of the score in 4 hands, on 2 pianos). Concertmasters have the right to participate in the competition in the "Art of an accompanist" nomination.
IV. The art of Accompanist
Participants in the "Art of the Accompanist" nomination can be of academic, folk and pop-jazz trends.
To participate in the competition, a video file or an active link to an Internet resource is sent by e-mail along with the application. Until November 30, 2020.
V. Musical and pedagogical skills
The nomination "Musical and Pedagogical Skill" involves the participation of 6-8 age groups. Participants provide an open lesson with their student or group of students. For teachers of a special instrument or vocals - an individual lesson; for teachers in ensemble, orchestral or choir class - a group lesson.
For teachers of music-theoretical disciplines: conducting a lesson in any music-theoretical or music-historical discipline with a group of pupils or students on any chosen topic. Lesson genre - at the participant's choice. The duration of the lesson is 30 minutes. To participate in the competition, a video file of a lesson, or an active link to an Internet resource, is sent by e-mail along with the application.
Participation in several directions and nominations is possible.
Recommendation for video material of the participant of the competition
Participants need to send one video.
The general timing is no more than 10 minutes (except for the nomination "Musical and pedagogical skill" - a lesson is not more than 30 minutes, in the nomination "Lecturer-musicologist" - no more than 15 minutes).
Videos should not contain editing and special effects.
Home video captured by phone, live or in class is accepted. Without extraneous noise and with a clear volume.
The performer is filmed in full growth, or to the waist. It is preferable to shoot horizontal video.
A video file or an active link to an Internet resource is sent to participate in the competition.
The organizing committee has the right to use the video materials provided by the participants for the competitive viewing for advertising purposes to popularize the competition. No fees are paid for the use of materials.
By their application, participants agree to the terms of the competition, coverage of the event in the media, as well as the processing of their personal data.
Rating system
Participants' performances are evaluated on a 20-point system.
Then the arithmetic mean is determined.
Grand Prix –20 points
Laureate of I degree –19-19.9 points
Laureate II degree –18-18.9 points
Laureate III degree - 17-17.9 points
Laureate of IV degree –16-16.9 points
The participant's diploma is below 16 points.
Awarding the participants of the competition
Grand Prix - it is possible to award it in each direction, profile, nomination and age group.
The winners of the competition in each direction, profile, nomination and age group are awarded with laureate diplomas of the VI International Music Competition in Cyprus (I, II, III, IV degrees).
The laureates of the competition (I, II, III, IV degrees) receive an invitation to Cyprus in Limassol to participate in the Gala Concert of the laureates and, if desired, in the VII International Competition of Musicians in Cyprus, in the summer of 2021.
Laureates of the performing competition, teachers, musicologists, composers are invited to participate in the International Arts Forums, festivals, concerts of the A. Karamanov Center for Support and Development of Contemporary Art in Moscow, Naples, Vienna and other cities.
The laureates of the musicological competition get the opportunity to publish free of charge in the collection of scientific papers of the International Arts Forums held by the Center for Support and Development of Contemporary Art named after A. Karamanov in Russia and abroad.
Teachers, artistic, scientific leaders of the participants of the competition are awarded Letters of Gratitude, provided that the participant indicates in the application the surname, name, patronymic, title (if any) and place of work.
Teachers, artistic, scientific leaders of the participants of the laureates of the competition are awarded with an Honorary Diploma, provided that the participant indicates in the application the surname, first name, patronymic, title (if any) and place of work.
Documents for participation in the competition
1. Application filled out according to the sample (strictly in word format). The name of the application file must contain the name and initials of the participant. For example: Ivanov I.:
Direction (academic, folk, pop-jazz) Nomination and age group |
(In case of participation in two or more nominations, a separate application is made for each nomination) |
Profile (professional or amateur) | |
Nomination and age group | |
FULL NAME (in the nomination ... an ensemble, the participants are listed one by one and the instruments they play or the names of the voices they sing with are indicated in brackets). | |
Country represented by the participant | |
Date of birth (for example: 08/27/1980) Age (ex: 17 years and 2 months) | |
Place of study or work | |
Full name of the teacher (indicating the degree and titles, if any), e-mail of the teacher | (For awarding a teacher with a Gratitude or Certificate of Honor).
(Optional). |
The program performed at the competition and the total playing time of the entire program | |
Member address with zip code | |
Phone and e-mail | |
Additional wishes | |
2) Photo (in .jpg format).
3) Photocopy of birth certificate or passport.
4) A photocopy of the registration fee payment receipt.
All documents are sent along with the participant's entry.
Until November 30, 2020
Arrangement fee
Registration fee for solo performers, composers, accompanists with sending the diploma in electronic form, by e-mail - 35 euros / 45 dollars. With the sending of the diploma on paper - 40 euros / 50 dollars.
Registration fee for the ensemble with sending the diploma in electronic form, by e-mail - 25 euros / 35 dollars from each participant. With the sending of the diploma on paper - 30 euros / 40 dollars.
Organizational fee for the choir with sending the diploma in electronic form, by e-mail - 15 euros / 25 dollars from each participant. With the sending of the diploma on paper - 20 euros / 30 dollars.
For participants in the nominations: "Musical and pedagogical skills", "Scientific work", "Musical journalism", "Lecturer-musicologist" with sending a diploma in electronic form, by e-mail - 35 euros / 45 dollars. With the sending of the diploma on paper - 40 euros / 50 dollars.
Diplomas will be sent within 15 days after the publication of the results.
Discount system:
The participant can take advantage of the discount, upon presentation of the relevant documents.
10% - discount for large families;
20% - a discount for teachers if you fill out 3 or more applications;
40% - a discount for disabled people;
free - for orphans.
Requisites for transferring the organizational fee in euros and dollars:
Beneficiary's bank | Raiffeisenbank AO |
Beneficiary’s bank address | 129090, Russia, Moscow, Troitskaya str. 17, bld. 1 |
Beneficiary’s Acc. № | 40702810600001460420 |
Beneficiary | OOO «Tsentr podderzhki i razvitiya sovremennogo iskusstva im. Alemdara Karamanova»
140000 Moscow region, Lyubertsy, Smirnovskaya, 21-2-32 |
Remittance Information | Arrangement fee |
Requisites for transferring the organizational fee in rubles:
ООО «Центр поддержки и развития современного искусства
им. Алемдара Караманова»
ИНН 7710582934 КПП 502701001
Расчетный счет: 40702810600001460420 в АО «Райффайзенбанк» г. Москва
к/с 30101810200000000700
БИК 044525700
Назначение платежа: Организационный взнос
The transfer fee is paid by the participant.
In case of refusal to participate in the competition, the registration fee is not refundable.
Applications for participation in the competition and entries are accepted by e-mail:
Until November 30, 2020.
The jury reserves the right
- Not all prizes will be awarded.
- Divide prizes between participants.
- To award special prizes established in honor of the competition by organizations of culture, education, creative organizations, enterprises, commercial organizations, foundations.
- If a member of the competition jury is associated with a participant or is his teacher, he does not participate in voting when evaluating the results of listening to this participant.
- The jury's decision is final and not subject to revision.
Information about the competition
Тел.: +7 985 193 2482
